Monday, August 18, 2008

John Newton Challenge Kick-off...

Many of you may not yet know about the John Newton Challenge issued by Steve Wright of Providence Baptist in Raleigh. Basically, this is a challenge for all parents to return to their Biblical roles as leaders and imparters of truth to their children. It is a call back to Deuteronomy 6.
We kicked off the year last night with a parent meeting in which we issued the J.N.Challenge. The response was amazing. We had 51 families sign up to lead their families using this 52 week Bible reading plan. In less than 24 hours of offering the Challenge, I have already heard great stories from several families. One family went home last night after our parent meeting and started reading Psalm 1 right away. Others began this morning and discussed Psalm 1 on the way to school.
There is an excitement in the Middle School ministry about this challenge. If you'd like to know more about it, or are a youth pastor who is kicking off the challenge soon, please call 478.477.7251 (Ingleside Baptist Church, Macon GA) and I'd love to help you out.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Time for a new blog Fred! Love from Charlotte!